Onward We Learn
Annual Report

In this year's annual report, our hope is that you might be able to find yourself in the stories, the narrative, the numbers - the journey. Onward We Learn charts a journey for our students with a destination of college access and completion.
We know this journey is not always linear, and that our students do not walk it alone. We know that this journey is about more than college. In their pursuit of social mobility, our students end up finding themselves. They find the curiosity, courage, connection, and confidence that will carry them through the rest of their lives - college and well beyond.
With these skills and the support of Onward, our students begin to map out their futures - reimagining what is possible. Sitting with this map gives them permission to ponder, think, plan, dream. They study the map and then plan next steps. The thing about maps is that there is no predetermined beginning or end. It’s about the journey, and it is often finding ourselves that makes it an adventure.
When we work with our students and introduce them to our Student Learning and Experience Map, we are helping them identify where they are starting, where they want to go, and the possible pathways to get there.
Your journey has brought you to this moment, intersecting with Onward We Learn and the thousands of students we serve and support. I invite you to explore this connection, and to map your journey onto Onward's. Together, we can create an atlas for future generations.
The "We" in Onward We Learn includes all of us, and when our students reach their goals, it is a collective success.
Inspire. Prepare. Onward!
Andrew Bramson, President & CEO
Meg Geoghegan, Board Chair
During the year, we refined and reimagined our program and service model into a Student Learning and Experience Map. This map incorporates focus areas with grade specific objectives and their respective milestones. Customized pathways for Middle School, High School, and Post-Secondary allow students to take advantage of responsive activities, services, and opportunities that set them up for success.
Maps consist of layers because inherent in their use is the understanding that space is dimensional - our students at Onward are no different, multi-dimensional individuals with their own unique needs. Layers capture depth and more meaning. The Student Learning and Experience Map is layered with developmental milestones, experience driven opportunities, and pathways that are tailored for success at each stage of the program model.
Our Focus Areas
- Academic Enrichment
- Social/Emotional Development
- Career Exploration
- Post-Secondary Preparation
The overarching goals of our organization are to: increase academic performance and preparation; increase the rate of high school graduation and participation in post secondary; increase educational expectations, while also increasing student and family knowledge of post-secondary education, options, and financing. To meet these goals we offer curriculum that falls under four focus areas: academic enrichment, social and emotional development, career exploration, and post-secondary preparation.
Research tells us that integration of social and emotional development in education enhances academic achievement and well-being. We know that by encouraging enrollment in rigorous and challenging coursework we are sending our students the message that they can accomplish anything. In our 36-year history we have proven that career exploration and post-secondary preparation have direct impacts on our thousands of students that have graduated high school, enrolled in post-secondary education, completed their degrees and have gone on to be fully participating and contributing members of our community.
Participation in our program increases the likelihood of 6th graders progressing each school year through high school graduation, enrolling in college on time, and returning to college after completing the first year by 64%.
Middle School Pathway
When students are introduced to Onward We Learn, there is a promise of at least a seven-year relationship, and more than that, there is a promise that they will not have to walk this journey alone. Our relationship with the student begins with our relationship to their families - trust in the beginning is critical. Once enrolled, students are matched with Onward school-based advisors, who will serve as a mentor, advisor, and resource during their entire middle-school. Students have access to afterschool programming, academic enrichment supports, and community-based opportunities to explore career and connection. Our programming and enrichment opportunities are developmentally appropriate. Students explore concepts of power, practice flexible thinking and problem solving, they develop a more global sense of where they fit, and they begin to wonder about what is possible. These years are designed to inspire our young people. We believe that from a foundation of what is possible comes the catalyst to prepare.
High School Pathway
Our students prepare for the key transition into high school in our signature Passageways program. This rite of passage is designed to support students navigate the transition, reconnect with Onward, and center their intentions and goals for the journey ahead. Once in high school, students are rematched with a Onward school-based advisor. The nature of the partnership between advisor and student shifts from focused primarily on relationship to one of accountability. Advisors work closely with students to position them as best as possible for college access. Students can take advantage of tutoring, SAT prep, FAFSA workshops, college application support, and one-on-one academic advising that encourages them to enroll in rigorous coursework. Afterschool programming is available and encouraged and again aligns with milestones such as abstract thinking, goal setting, and a strong sense of self. Students have the opportunity to deepen their commitment and involvement in Onward by participating in various leadership roles within the organization. These years are meant to give students a bedrock of preparedness, confidence, and self-worth.
Post-Secondary Pathway
When Onward students started their journey in middle school, college was merely an idea, which became more in focus throughout high school. When they cross the stage, diploma in hand, college represents a new beginning. For our students that are attending school in Rhode Island, Onward College Success Coaches are stationed on campus to help bridge the transition to post-secondary. Coaches are there to provide personalized services and programs that are tailored to support students design plans that meet their academic, social, and financial goals. Coaches ensure that students don’t miss opportunities, that they are connected to campus resources, and that should the need arise, help navigate transfer paperwork, or re-enrollment. Onward understands that even with a map, there are detours. Our students have access to an emergency fund that helps alleviate acute financial stress, and for students that need to step away or never make it to college, Onward connects them with our Gap Program. The Gap Program matches students with a coach who considers many variables in creating a plan with the student, whether that plan includes returning to college, or an alternative pathway. Our hope is that these years are filled with defining moments that propel students Onward into their lives.

The largest district that we serve, Providence student participation accounts for 43% of our total number of students engaged in programming.
2% of our Providence students identify as Asian, 15% identify as Black/African American, 78% identify as Hispanic/Latino, and 2% identify as White.
32% of our graduating seniors were from Providence in 2023-2024.
Central Falls
Central Falls student participation accounts for 8% of our total number of students engaged in programming.
Nearly 6% of Central Falls students identify as Black/African American, 89% identify as Hispanic/Latino, and 2% identify as White.
18% of our graduating seniors were from Central Falls in 2023-2024.
Cranston student participation accounts for 9% of our total students engaged in programming.
13% of our Cranston students identify as Asian, 15% identify as Black/African American, 58% identify as Hispanic/Latino, and 9% identify as White.
30% of our graduating seniors were from Cranston in 2023-2024.
Our smallest district, Woonsocket student participation accounts for 3% of our total students engaged in programming.
Nearly 3% of our Woonsocket students identify as Asian, 18% identify as Black/African American, 62% identify as Hispanic/Latino, and 13% identify as White.
Though the smallest, nearly 12% of our graduating seniors were from Woonsocket in 2023-2024.
Pawtucket student participation accounts for 17% of our total students engaged in programming.
43% of our Pawtucket students identify as Black/African American, 42% identify as Hispanic/Latino, and 9% identify as White.
20% of our graduating seniors were from Pawtucket in 2023-2024.
Meet Cesar and his sister Alex.
Cesar learned about Onward We Learn as a fifth grader when one of our staff visited his classroom to talk about the program. He was a studious kid, high achieving, and the kid that at the end of the year walked away with all the awards. Onward seemed like the right fit for a kid who had academic ambition, but didn't have a sense of the pathway to college. He went on to Nathanael Greene for Middle School where he was nominated to be in their advanced academic program. He was a part of what was called our "Cru Club", which met every Saturday. It was there that he befriended Francisco. They had gone to elementary school together, both joined Onward and in Cru Club found a friendship. Cesar went to PCTA, but Francisco went somewhere else and in their junior year both applied and were accepted into Onward's Honorific Program. When they found out they were both going to the College of the Holy Cross it was inevitable that they would become roommates.
When Cesar joined in the 5th grade he had no idea that he would dedicate over 600 hours to the organization, or what he was signing up for and what it would lead to - college, and then a career. What was an opportunity that sounded fun and full of activities became about the people and the friendships. Years later, Cesar graduated with a bachelors in Sociology and Latin American Studies and now is a Mobile High School Advisor here at Onward.
Alex is Cesar's younger sister, and the third kid in the family to be a part of Onward We Learn.
Alex is the youngest of three. She looks up to her brothers, but she is paving her own path. There was no question that she would join Onward We Learn, and in 6th grade she met her first advisor. He made her feel seen and listened to, which was a big deal to her because she was incredibly shy. Alex was the kid that kept to herself, she joked that she had only two friends. It was hard for her to open up, but that advisor knew what she had to offer the world. Her favorite memory is doing the CAAP program, a program designed to engage students through play and adventure. She made friends in that program she would have never met otherwise, and they have remained friends. She remembers sitting criss-cross applesauce in the gym, and one of the facilitators making a joke that made everyone laugh, and in that moment no one was serious. It was in that moment of everyone laughing together that she realized she was part of something.
In less than a month Alex will be making the decision of where she would like to go to college. She has already received multiple acceptance letters, and as a participant in the Honorific Program, she feels prepared to make the decision. While she is on her own path, she hinted that she may follow in her brother's footsteps to the College of the Holy Cross. Alex is moving into this significant transition peacefully. That 6th grader let opportunities pass her by, she didn't ask for help or give it, but the person she is today looks different. She is comfortable in her skin, has joined tons of clubs, made countless friends, and because of Honorific feels confident helping her peers navigate the college process when they are lost. Her younger self would never have imagined talking to anyone, but Alex is ready to take on life and explore.
The pathway to college isn't always linear and it certainly doesn't look the same for everyone. However, Onward makes it feel possible. Map in hand, the partnership between student, advisor, and the family, charts the path.
Cesar and Alex are just two of thousands of students that take advantage of the opportunities offered by Onward. It doesn't happen over night, but with time, Onward becomes so much more than college access - it defines us, provides insights into the people we are and want to become. Cesar and Alex's parents are Mexican immigrants. One is a cook at a local breakfast spot, and the other makes magic happen with a needle and thread. They want the most for their kids, despite not always understanding what is possible. They just want their kids to be the type of people who are not afraid to find out who they are and what they are capable of.

Race/Ethnicity of Students
Asian: 3%
Black/African American: 20%
Hispanic/Latino: 69%
White: 5%
Two or more races: 2%

Race/Ethnicity of Staff
Asian: 9%
Black/African American: 11%
Hispanic/Latino: 40%
White: 31%
Two or more races: 9%

Gender of Students
Female: 55%
Male: 45%

Gender of Staff
Female: 67%
Male: 33%

The Page that Counts.
We served a total of 4,222 students.
Among our students that identify as Black/African-American , 55% of them remained enrolled in college at the end of their first year, compared to 31% of their Black/African-American peers.
1,200 pounds of snacks a year.
In partnership with Rhode Island Department of Education, Onward worked with Providence Public Schools (PPSD) on an initiative to increase FAFSA submissions. The result left PPSD at a higher submission rate than the state and nationally. Onward’s rates were 68%, the national average was 44.7%, and the State of Rhode Island was 49.5%.
We offered 93 programs (62 in person and 30 virtual).
56 students were served through our emergency funds, 32% of those students were from CCRI, and nearly half the requests were for school supplies including technology, books, and course supplies. 21% of the funds requested were food insecurity related.
Our program is estimated to raise the likelihood of on-time high school graduation by 11.6%.
Owls have some of the largest binocular fields of vision, making them farsighted. OWL students are not so different, setting their sights toward college starting in 6th grade.

Revenue, Gains, and Other Support
Government Grants and Support - $4,121,018
Corporate & Foundation Grants - $706,694
Contributions - $861,389
In-Kind Support - $411,866
Total Revenue - $6,100,967
Investment Income - $88,935
Investment Gains/Losses - $1,786,292
Total Other Income - $1,875,227
Total Revenue, Gains, & Other Supports - $7,976,194
Program (including cash scholarships) - $5,453,331
Management & General - $898,636
Development - $11,403
Total Revenue - $6,363,370

First-Year Institutions for the Class of 2024
American International College
Anna Maria College
Arizona State University
Assumption University
Baylor University
Bentley University
Boston University
Brandeis University
Bryant University
Central Maine Community College
Clark University
College of the Holy Cross
Community College of Rhode Island
Curry College
Dean College
Duke University
University Emmanuel College
Emory University
Johnson & Wales University
Lasell University
Merrimack College
Mount Holyoke College
New England Institute of Technology
Northeastern University
Pennsylvania State University
Providence College
Quinnipiac University
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Rhode Island College
Rochester Institute of Technology
Roger Williams University
Salem State University
Salve Regina University
Simmons University
Smith College
Stonehill College
SUNY Stony Brook University
Temple University
University of Connecticut
University of Hartford
University of Massachusetts - Amherst
University of Massachusetts - Boston
University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth
University of Massachusetts - Lowell
University of New Haven
University of New Hampshire
University of Pennsylvania
University of Rhode Island
University of Rochester
Vanderbilt University
Wake Forest University
Wentworth Institute of Technology
Western New England University
Wheaton College - MA
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Worcester State University
Winston-Salem State University

Thank you for Investing in Onward We Learn
Federal, State, Local Funding
U.S. Department of Education/GearUp - $4,800,000
City of Providence - $500,000
State of Rhode Island - $455,000
Rhode Island Department of Education - $208,000
ECMC - $80,000
Providence Public School Department - $60,000
City of Pawtucket - $30,000
Corporate, Private, and Family Foundations
Centerville Charitable Foundation - $250,000
Rhode Island Foundation - $185,000
Lloyd G. Balfour Foundation - $165,000
Amgen Charitable Foundation - $30,000
Papitto Opportunity Connection - $20,000
Rhode Island Energy, PPL Foundation - $20,000
Carter Family Charitable Trust - $10,000
National College Attainment Network - $10,000
Lois and George Graboys Fund - $1,500
Rallis Conover Family Fund - $1000
Rocky Hill Country Day School - $700
Connecticut Association of Public Schools* - $100
Matching Sponsors
Citizens Bank
FM Global
Oppenheimer & Co., Inc
$5000 - $10,000
Dianne N. Abuelo, MD
Kenneth Graboys
$1,500 - $4,999
Anne Melvin
James Carr
Kim Perry
Mary Halpin
Meg Geoghegan
$500 - $1,499
Christopher Graham
Cortney Lima
Dereck Mendoza
Harold Horvat
Jessica Marfeo
Lauren Waterson
Neale Lunderville
Patty & Melvin Alperin
Sydney Tynan
Stephen Ucci
$250 - $499
Alejandro Molina
Andrew Bramson
Antonia Urena
Carrie Bridges
Erin Towmey-Wilson
Joy Fox
Julia Rafal-Baer
Katherine Haspel
Keri Rossi-D’entremont
Kevin McKenna*
Marie Aberger
Susan Mansolillo
William Donohoe
$100 - $249
Adi Goldstein
Ashely Davega
Caroline M. DeMello
Christine Rockwell*
Daisel Ramos
Dana Ginestet
Elizabeth Burke Bryant
Elnaz Firoz*
Gary & Joan Boyd
Harriet Steinberg
James Edwin Scott
Jane Sherman
Joan Tremberth
Joshua Corria
Joyce Anne Westervelt
Kerri Augenstein
Linda Mitchell
Lisa Crossman
Malcolm Farmer III
Meghan Apostolou
Mike and Fran Pickering*
Monique Collins
Nataly De Los Reyes*
Nate Cruz
Neni Benzan
Ranika Reyes
Richard Chamberlin
Richard and Louise Carriere
Rihab Babiker*
Ryan Durgin
Scott Gausland
Sharon and David Raiche*
Sidney "Macky" McCleary
Tammy Warner
Valerie Burke
Victor Capellan
William McDonald
Yisel De Oleo
Up to $99
Alaina Goldberg
Alessio Pari
Alex Martin
Alicia Leite
Ana Almeida
Anonymous (6)
Anthony Simon
Arianna Davey
Ariel Davey
Ashley Fateiger
Bralyn Beathea
Brian & Donna Lynch
Brian Darrow
Brianna Mays
Cachi Cintron
Carlos Jerez
Cathy Azzoli
Cecilia Perez
Chris Greffin
Crystal Morales
David Fecteau
Delma Martinez
Destenie Vital
Edward Owens
Elaine De La Rosa
Eleuterio Amaral
Eric Gregoire
Eric Khiev
Geoff Decker
Heather Fraser
Helen Nimneh-Nyanti
Ian Campbell
James & Lisa Murphy
Jane Croke
Jane Young
Jeffrey, E, Martinez
Jeimmy Alonzo
Jimmy Narvaez
John Pagan
Jonathan Steele
Jose Argueta Bogran
Joseph Dasilveira
Joshua Flanagan
Joshua Libling
Juan Rodriguez
Julia Cabrera
Kahlea Grace
Karey Majka
Kirtley Fisher
Lauren Testoni
Leiyina Tavarez
Linda DeQuattro
Linda Lemay*
Lise-Anne Aballo *
Lori Gardiner
Marie Houle
Mario Mcclain
Mark LeBeau
Marlene Martinez
MaryKay Koreivo
Matthew Gambardella
Maura Perez
Mauricio Bonilla
Meaghan Isherwood
Michael Sprague
Michelle Jackson
Mila Skowron
Nakisha Meres-Gabriel
Nancy Landini*
Neri Franco
Pabla Morente
Robert Reyes
Robert Varon
Robin D’Almeida*
Rodrigo Tejada
Sage Leimer
Sarah Testoni
Scott Rauvers
Sergio Martinez
Seth Kolker
Shawn Kelsey
Susan Kidwell*
Tempestt Bui
Timothy Walsh
Timoty Costa
Valentine Caraballo
Victor Montanez
Victoria Rose
Xavier Labrecque
* Donations made in honor of Michael Jolin
Onward We Learn Leadership

Board of Directors
Meg Geoghegan, Chair
Jessica Marfeo, Vice Chair, Alumna
Mary Halpin, Treasurer
Victor Capellan, Secretary
Andrew Bramson, President & CEO
Maureen Dizon, RIDE Commissioner Designee
Dr. Greg Ebner, RIOPC Commissioner Designee
Neri Franco, Alumnus
Scott Gausland
Adi Goldstein
Harold M. Horvat
Edwin R. Pacheco
Kim E. Perry
Ranika Reyes, Alumna
Dr. Tammy V. Warner
Executive Team
Andrew Bramson, President & CEO
Susan Mansolillo, Chief Finance & Administration Officer
Alejandro Molina, Chief Program Officer
Daisel Ramos, Senior Director of People & Culture
Want to learn more about us?
Follow us on social media @onwardwelearn or visit our website by clicking on the button below.